
Planet Autism

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ssj4Thetis's avatar

Literature Text

On Planet Autism, I am happy.

On Planet Autism, there is music. Can you hear it? It makes me want to dance. On Planet Autism, my “erratic movements” as you call them, are my dance moves. Come and dance with me!

On Planet Autism, some things get lost in translation, and sometimes I can't understand what you want me to do. Actions can sometimes speak louder than words.

On Planet Autism, sometimes I'm the one whose words and thoughts get lost in translation.  I'm trying hard to understand your language, though, and I'm making progress!

On Planet Autism, I can see and hear things that you can't. Like that doll? She's actually a dragon tamer. She tells me stories you can't hear and lets me pet a dragon that you can't see. She doesn't want bad people to know her secret, so I haven't told anyone about her story yet. But I have to keep her close or in the magic safety areas that I leave her in. If she's removed from them, evil magicians might have possessed her. Please, don't move her. Or touch her. In fact, don't touch my stuff at all.

On Planet Autism, there are wonderful things for for me to discover and think about, so I may “space out” often, no pun intended. I may not seem fascinated by you or what you're doing, because I'm actually not, but that doesn't mean I don't care.

On Planet Autism, emotions can work differently. I may not understand that I am making you sad or angry, but I don't mean to hurt you.

On Planet Autism, I am happy.

On Planet Autism, some medications and treatments can help me adjust to and understand your customs and actions. I like them. I embrace many of your ideas and methods and want to know about them.

But on Planet Autism, there are some treatments and medications I don't like. I don't like treatments that try to “control” me, or change me to be just like you, or “cure” me. I don't have a problem. You can't “fix” me, because I'm not broken. I'm just different. And isn't diversity the spice of life?

I don't want to leave Planet Autism. Why would I? Planet Autism is a fascinating place. I wouldn't want to force you to live here, nor do I want to be forced into your “real” world. It's obvious that neither is going to happen. To each their own,.

But if your world
And mine
Could meet, and get along and learn from each other, and view each other as equals, then we can be best friends, regardless of our history.

Because Planet Autism and Planet Earth aren't that different after all.

On Planet Autism, I am happy.
Something I wrote about autism based off of some research I did and my own personal experiences as a child with mild autism. Because it's based off of my own experiences along with scientific information combined, please don't consider this as an example for how autism is supposed to be. Everyone's autism is different.
© 2015 - 2024 ssj4Thetis
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TheSUPERLolitaBoy's avatar
Very true! This is a wonderful poem